Putting the "stud" back in "studio"!
Animated Shorts
Other Projects

The "More stuff we don't know anything about... " commercial campaign

This project was a series of thirty second lawyer marketing spots, each describing a different subject that the particular clients knew nothing about. I directed the spots and animated them with Steve Stanchfield for Thunderbean Animation.

The concept was conceived by our client Kerry Randall, an all around great guy and one of the nicest and funniest people with whom anyone could ever hope to work. Unfortunately, Kerry passed away very unexpectedly in the summer of 2005, about a year after we had the pleasure of working with him on these spots. Although he'll be missed very much, we feel fortunate to have been able to work with such a wonderful person, even for that short time. Thanks, Kerry.



#23 Observatories

#26 French Cooking
This was the strangest one we pitched

#31 Duck Hunting

#33 Milking Cows
This was animated by me and Steve Stanchfield

#34 Plumbing